Jessie has a boring job at the supermarket checkout. But little does she know that two young men are about to make her day so much more interesting …
Erotica author of the "Tales of Lust" series, "Dirty Cops", "Berlin Heat", "Naked Circus" – and many more …
Jessie has a boring job at the supermarket checkout. But little does she know that two young men are about to make her day so much more interesting …
When Megan and Adam go for a “second honeymoon” in Berlin, Adam decides to make one simple rule – a rule that immediately throws both of them into a turmoil of sweaty sexual encounters.
“Kate raised her head. As the clown thrust his red nose in and out of her slippery crevice, his hand reached inside his trousers, stroking his member vigorously. He was drooling with lust. The sensation of the rubbery nose poking her cunt sent shivers through Kate’s naked body. If he kept that up, he would make her climax.”
Frank Noir’s two most popular erotic novellas – “Lusting after Michiko” and “Orgasm Offender” – are now available in a single volume, chock full of deliciously steamy sex scenes.
I always like to get in touch with my readers. And recently I came across a young woman with a different story – one that she agreed to share with you. Zaza’s life has been a difficult one – plagued by sexual abuse. But she has found a way to deal with the trauma – among other things by reading erotica. Here is my interview with Zaza.
Rebecca and David Durand are sex therapists, specializing in erotic dreams – and also a happily married couple. Their own active sex life is fueled by their retelling of the dreams of their clients. But when a male client fantasizes about sex with Rebecca, their marriage is pushed to the breaking point – and both therapists are thrown into a turmoil of lust, forced to explore their own erotic fantasies.
When her father dies and her mother remarries, our young heroine runs away from the family mansion to join a travelling circus. As the troupeRead More
The latest Frank Noir novella “Orgasm Offender” is out! Maxwell – the “Orgasm Offender” – is a notorious sex fiend with a bizarre twist: Not content with his his own satisfaction, he forces his helpless female victims to experience powerful serial orgasms. “Orgasm Offender” is available from all major vendors now.
Welcome to Saturday Spankings. In “Outdoor Service”, Rachel has settled down at the local cafe for a cup of coffee in the sun. But beforeRead More