“The Tattoo Shop” is now twice as long

Back in 2018, I wrote a nice little kinky erotica story entitled “The Tattoo Artist” .But the response from my dear readers, was so positive that eventually I just had to write a second (even kinkier) part.

The Beginnings of a Pornographer

One day I tried an experiment: When my father wasn’t home I put a sheet of paper in his typewriter and began putting one of my erotic fantasies into words. I realized that writing it down made me wonderfully excited. And it also worked excellently for reading back while masturbating.

Frank Noir interviewed by Fiona McVie

Fiona McVie’s interview with Frank Noir covers my work from its early beginnings to the present – and explores subjects like the possible existence of a “message” in my books. Some of the answers may surprise you.