“Dirty Cops” on the All the Filthy Details Podcast

The good people at the “All the Filthy Details” podcast have read Frank Noir’s latest naughty novella “Dirty Cops”. And not only did they award it a flattering 4.1 out of 5 stars – they also read an arousing excerpt from one of the book’s hottest scenes.

“The Tattoo Shop” is now twice as long

Back in 2018, I wrote a nice little kinky erotica story entitled “The Tattoo Artist” .But the response from my dear readers, was so positive that eventually I just had to write a second (even kinkier) part.

Snow Bunny

Sarah gets lost on a hike in the snowy Swiss mountains. But luckily, she encounters two young men – who take care of her every need …


Free story by Frank Noir. Relentlessly teased by an escort, her client recieves the handjob of his life.

Tell Me What I Just Did

“Tell Me What I Just Did” is an erotic flash fiction story by Frank Noir. “I pulled out and watched: A long spurt of juice shot from her cunt as she came. She thrashed about on the bed, her body shaken by a violent orgasm, her pussy squirting like a fountain. I dove in between her thighs and put my mouth over her spurting cunt, filling my mouth with her juices. Then I placed my face above her left breast, pursed my lips and spat out her juice over her nipple.”

New free story: “Renovation”

“Renovation” is a new, scorching hot erotic story by Frank Noir available now on Literotica and Stories Online. Our heroine only wants to spend this warm spring day alone in bed with her filthy fantasies. But she has to let two workmen into her flat – and they have some ideas of their own …

Wet Dream Therapy

Rebecca and David Durand are sex therapists, specializing in erotic dreams – and also a happily married couple. Their own active sex life is fueled by their retelling of the dreams of their clients. But when a male client fantasizes about sex with Rebecca, their marriage is pushed to the breaking point – and both therapists are thrown into a turmoil of lust, forced to explore their own erotic fantasies.

Excerpt from “Wet Dream Therapy”

Excerpt from Frank Noir’s novel “Wet Dream Therapy”.

The story so far: Having been cheated on by his wife and colleague, sex therapist David Durand has moved out of their flat and is spending a lonely night in a hotel room. 

Naked Circus

Naked Circus out now!

When her father dies and her mother remarries, our young heroine runs away from the family mansion to join a travelling circus. As the troupeRead More

Three things I learned from NaNoWriMo

Yes, November has come and gone. And yes, I managed to get a novel to 50,000 words. I don’t claim to be typical, but here are some experiences I claim anyone could take away from NaNoWriMo:

Masturbation Monday: Excerpt from “Orgasm Offender”

For Masturbation Monday – a hot excerpt from the latest Frank Noir Novella: “Orgasm Offender”. Janet, a freelance journalist, is writing her piece on the recent capture of the insatiable sex fiend Maxwell – the “Orgasm Offender”. She doesn’t mention that she was one of Maxwell’s victims – and that the experience had been immensely sexually satisfying.

New Frank Noir novella: “Orgasm Offender” out now!

The latest Frank Noir novella “Orgasm Offender” is out! Maxwell – the “Orgasm Offender” – is a notorious sex fiend with a bizarre twist: Not content with his his own satisfaction, he forces his helpless female victims to experience powerful serial orgasms. “Orgasm Offender” is available from all major vendors now.

Memoir of a sex shop

This is a memoir of a kind of shop and experience that is swiftly disappearing even as I’m writing this.

Masturbation Monday: Excerpt from “The Churchyard”

A little piece of filth for Masturbation Monday: Anne is visiting the grave of her late husband, Scott. He turned out to be cheating on her – but she still misses their very active sex life. What she doesn’t know is that a flasher is roaming the churchyard – and he already has his sights set on her.

Sex Story: Cold Beer

A wet, wet story. In a deserted bar in the middle of nowhere, two men introduce Sara to an alternative use for ice-cold beverages.

Sex story: A Morning Jog

Our nasty narrator lets his girlfriend go for a jog. But on two conditions: She has to wear a remote-controlled sex toy. And he wants to watch.

The Kitchen

Sex story: “The Kitchen”

The Italian chef can’t control the lust he feels for the restaurant’s new waitress. And he certainly doesn’t intend to wait until closing time.

The Shoot

Sex story: The Shoot

It’s Becky’s first day as a pornographic actress – and already things are getting rather out of control…

Sex story: The Girl on the Bicycle

Taking his bicycle for a ride in the country, our narrator encounters an unusually seductive young girl. And as he watches her shamelessly displaying her sexual urges, their bike ride gradually turns into a savagely heated encounter.

Sex story: The Train Ride

”Miss!” Jenna jumped at the sound of a deep voice. She opened her eyes and saw the conductor standing a few feet away: A tall, black man dressed in a gray uniform. Startled, it took her a while to realize that she had her fingers down her jeans. ”I…” she stuttered, pulling her fingers from her cunt and wiping the wetness off on her jeans. ”I’m terribly sorry. I…” ”No,” the conductor said. ”Don’t stop.”

Sex story: Leather

Our heroine realizes that she has quite a sexual fetish for leather. And the shop owner is delighted to help.

The Beach

Sex story: The Beach

When Joanna falls asleep naked on the beach, she attracts the attention of a group of spectacularly kinky young men.